Download Need For Speed 3 Hot Pursuit 1998 Full version Free 100% Working
Need for Speed III: Hot Pursuit, released in Japan as Over Drivin' III:
Hot Pursuit, is a 1998 racing video game, developed by Electronic Arts
Canada and published by Electronic Arts. It is the third major title in
the Need for Speed series, significantly incorporating police pursuits as
a major part of gameplay. Hot Pursuit remains focused in racing using
exotic sports cars, but features races that primarily take place in
locations within North America, including varied settings and climates.
In addition, police AI is significantly improved over its predecessor,
utilizing several tactics to stop both the player and opponent. The game
was released for PlayStation in March 1998 and later received an
enhanced port for Microsoft Windows in September 1998. A PlayStation 2
version was developed, but later cancelled. The game title's suffix,
"Hot Pursuit", is a term for a police pursuit. The game had a sequel
that was released in 2002 as Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2.
Need For Speed III Hot Pursuit Gameplay
With police pursuits reintegrated into the game, Hot Pursuit's gameplay
now consists of two categories. The first encompasses standard racing,
as it has been in its predecessors, The Need for Speed and Need for
Speed II, in which the player is allowed to race against one (including
split-screen races) or seven other racers in normal circuit racers,
knockouts, or tournaments (which allow the player to unlock bonus
vehicles and a bonus track). The second category is dubbed the "Hot
Pursuit," where police pursuits are included in races; the mode allows
the player to select a standard sports car to race against a single
opponent in a police-scattered track, and in the PC version only select a
police variation of a sports car to pursue and stop all six racers
before they complete their race. Completing both Hot Pursuit challenges
in the PC version on every track of the game unlocks additional police
sports cars.Two modes were introduced in the game. The two-player split-screen mode allows two players to race using the same computer. The "Knockout" mode consists of 7 races with 8 racers on randomly chosen tracks, in which conditions such as selected difficulty, weather, and so on that the player has chosen before starting the race-series will apply. Each race consists of two laps where the driver who finishes last will be eliminated from the race lineup. All other drivers advance to the next round and carry on with the battle until there is only one player left, who technically wins the knockout competition. The game also supports network play through a serial port, modem, or IPX, and internet gaming through TCP/IP protocol. It also allowed spawn installationsof itself to be installed on other machines.
Racing tracks are greatly varied, with settings ranging from wide desert canyons to homely countryside villages, as well as snow-capped mountain ranges. A particular track in the game is even host to a modern and intricate structure identified as the Electronic Arts development office. Most tracks contain one or more secret shortcuts which can dramatically alter the outcome of a race.
The game also boasts some fairly impressive graphics support for its time, allowing up to 1152 x 864 pixel x 16bit in-game resolution, wide screen support, car chrome effects, and slider settings for car detail and view distance. Motion-sensored controllers receive support as well, granting the players a more thorough gameplay experience by actually allowing them to "drive" the cars.
Car tuning is also introduced, allowing any car's handling to be customized by adjusting low or high end properties for Engine Tuning and Gear Ratios, front or back Brake Balance, slow or fast Braking Speed, soft or stiff Suspension, low or high Aerodynamics as well as Rain or Racing tires. Any of these options can be modified via sliders to offer a digit-sensitive, percentage-based effect to the selected car's overall performance. Higher-end engine and gear tuning, for example, will compromise acceleration for better tops speeds. Rear-based brake balance and slow braking speeds make for wider, drifting turns, and aerodynamics provide even higher speeds at the loss of handling.
Need For Speed 3 Hot Pursuit System Requirements:
Need For Speed 3 Hot Pursuit MINIMUM PC REQUIREMENTS
166MHz Pentium class processor or compatible or 133MHz Pentium class processor with graphics acceleration card
90MB free space for game plus space for save games (additional sace required for DirectX installation)
4X CD-ROM drive (600KB/second transfer rate) with Windows 95/98 CD-ROM driver
DirectX 5.0 or higher
High Color capable IBM PCI video card with DirectDraw compatible driver
Any DirectInput compatible gaming devices supported by Windows 95/98, including force feedback
Need For Speed 3 Hot Pursuit MINIMUM PC REQUIREMENTS
166MHz Pentium class processor or compatible or 133MHz Pentium class processor with graphics acceleration card
90MB free space for game plus space for save games (additional sace required for DirectX installation)
4X CD-ROM drive (600KB/second transfer rate) with Windows 95/98 CD-ROM driver
DirectX 5.0 or higher
High Color capable IBM PCI video card with DirectDraw compatible driver
Any DirectInput compatible gaming devices supported by Windows 95/98, including force feedback
Need For Speed 3 Hot Pursuit RECOMMENDED
Pentium 200MHz Pentium class processor or compatible
110MB free space for game plus space for save games
3Dfx graphics accelerator card
16-bit sound card with DirectX compatible sound driver
Any DirectInput compatible gaming devices supported by Windows 95/98, including force feedback
32-bit Window 95/98 CD-ROM driver
AGP or at least 8MB on-card Memory (12MB for Voodoo2) required for dashboards in 3D accelerated mode.
How to Download Need For Speed III Hot Pursuit PC Game Free
- Click on the download link
- Click to verify yourself as a human and wait for 3 second for showing link to download.
- Wait for 5 Seconds and Skip the Ad showed in the top right corner of the browser
- Click on download link and Enjoy (Some time need to wait for few second in downloading server.
How to Install Need For Speed III Hot Pursuit in windows 7, 8.1 and 10
- First download game and NGLIDE Setup
- Install Game
- Install NGLIDE
- Run the game and Enjoy
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